
Sunday, 8 June 2014

Australian Government Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade | AusAID | Australia Awards Scholarships (AusAID Scholarships) | Australia Awards in Pakistan

Financing Education for Australia
Australian Government AusAID

The Australian Government's overseas aid programme aims to increase access to and the quality of education and training for people in partner countries. The programme provides selective assistance in distance education, higher education and institutional strengthening.
I. Australian Development Scholarships (ADS): Australian Development Scholarships (ADS) provide opportunities for people from selected developing countries to undertake post-secondary level study in Australia. ADS have replaced most scholarships previously offered by AusAID, namely Australian Sponsored Training Assistance Scholarships (ASTAS) and Australian Development Cooperation Scholarships (ADCOS). 1. Categories of ADS scholarships:

There are two categories of scholarships:

  • Public sector: Governments in partner countries nominate candidates for the public sector category.
  • Open/equity: Applicants do not need to be nominated by their Government or employer. Anyone who meets the selection criteria may apply.
2. Selection for Scholarships:

Applicants for ADS must satisfy both the general eligibility criteria and specific criteria established for each country. AusAID has a gender/equity policy (half of the scholarships are awarded to women and half to men). To be eligible for a scholarship, applicants must:

  • Have citizenship in an ADS participating country and must not have access to a place in an Australian education institution on the basis of Australian permanent residence status or eligibility to hold a New Zealand passport, (unless their country does not issue passports - the Cook Islands, Niue and Tokelau).
  • Not have permanent residence status in New Zealand (unless their country does not issue passports - the Cook Islands, Niue and Tokelau).  
  • Not be married or engaged to be married to a person who holds or who is eligible to hold Australian or New Zealand citizenship or permanent residence status (unless their country does not issue passports - the Cook Islands, Niue and Tokelau).
  • Meet specific eligibility criteria imposed by the Government of the applicant's country of citizenship (country specific eligibility criteria are available from Australian Diplomatic Missions in the country of citizenship).  
  • Satisfy Australian Government requirements for international student entry to Australia (health and character checks, etc.);
  • Not hold another scholarship during the period of the ADS;
  • Not hold or have held an Australian Government Scholarship in the preceding 12 months at the time of application (with the exception of Papua New Guinea Secondary School Project students);
  • Satisfy the admission requirements of the Australian institution in which the course is to be undertaken;
  • Be applying to commence a new course of study and not be seeking support through ADS for a course already commenced in Australia;
  • Not be transferring from another Australian training scholarship to an ADS during the same course of study.
  • Be able to take up the scholarship in the calendar year for which the scholarship is offered.
3. Participating Institutions The Institutions contracted to receive Australian Development Scholarship awardees are:
  • Australian Maritime College
  • University of New South Wales
  • Australian National University
  • University of Queensland
  • Curtin University of Technology
  • University of Southern Queensland
  • Flinders University
  • The University of Sydney
  • James Cook University
  • University of Technology, Sydney
  • Monash University
  • University of Western Australia
  • Charles Darwin University
  • Victoria University
  • Southern Cross University
  • Swinburne University of Technology
  • University of Melbourne
  • University of Newcastle
  • Swinburne University of Technology (TAFE)
  • Victoria University (TAFE)
  • TAFE Queensland
More information about Australian education institutions and study opportunities in Australia can be found at:

4. Length of Scholarships Scholarships are offered for the minimum period that the individual could be expected to complete the academic programme. Scholarships may include preparatory programmes (including English language tuition) which are normally limited to one year. Applicants considering studying for particular professions (e.g. medicine, legal studies, etc) should note that they are expected to complete their practical training in their own country. Only under exceptional circumstances does ADS include a practical training period required for professional registration. 

5.  Scholarship Conditions
 Applicants who are offered a scholarship will be asked to sign an undertaking declaring that they will comply with the conditions of that scholarship. Partner countries may impose their own separate conditions on the scholarship.
Conditions include:

  • Studying full time in Australia
  • Restrictions on employment in Australia
  • Complying with conditions set down by the institution
  • Achieving satisfactory academic progress
  • Accepting that the scholarship may be withdrawn by the Australian Government
  • Leaving Australia and returning to the home country on completion of the scholarship
  • Restrictions on returning to Australia within 2 years of the completion of the scholarship
  • Financial assistance while studying
Scholarship entitlements cover a return airfare to Australia, academic and other compulsory fees, basic health insurance, an establishment allowance and a living allowance paid fortnightly. The living allowance is paid at a higher rate when the student is joined long term by one or more immediate family members. No assistance is available with the airfares of family members.

6. Website:

II. Endeavour Awards Programme: DEST Endeavour Awards Programme is the Department of Education, Science and Training’s (DEST) international scholarships programme. This scholarship is for students to complete a Masters or PhD by research in Australia. Following DEST Endeavour Awards are available for Pakistan.

a. Endeavour Pakistan Research Fellowships 
b. Endeavour Pakistan Executive Awards
c. Endeavour Pakistan Vocational and Technical Education (VTE) Awards
d. Endeavour Postgraduate Awards 
e. Endeavour Research Fellowships
f. Endeavour Executive Awards 
g. Endeavour International Postgraduate Research Scholarships 
h. Endeavour VTE Awards  

How to apply

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