
Sunday, 1 June 2014

Strategies To Find a Good Job | Currently Exploring New Opportunities | Strategies to Find a Good Job | Creative Strategies that Get You Hired | Corporate Strategy?

Strategies To Find a Good Job

Strategy #1: Explore New Opportunities

There are many ways to explore new ideas as you look for a job. You may need to be a little creative and think about things in a different way to get the job you want. Here is what we mean:
  • Try volunteering:. If you are volunteering, you are working without pay to help an organization. Look for volunteer opportunities that have to do with your skills and interests. Spend time as a volunteer to see whether you are interested enough to find paid work doing something similar.
  • Learn about yourself: Think about your interests and the things you do well (your skills). This way you can be as clear as possible about the job you want. Ask yourself:
    • What things do I know how to do?
    • What things do I like to do?
    • Where would I like to work?
  • Experiment with job shadowing: Job shadowing means watching someone at work to see if you would enjoy doing his or her job
  • Keep actively searching: Stay alert to types of jobs and places to work that look interesting to you. If you are unsatisfied in your current position, try looking for a job while you are still working.

Strategy #2: Use Personal Job Search Strategies

  • Get help from family members and friends:
    Family members and friends are helpful because they know you well. Tell family members and friends about:
    • Your skills and interests
    • Jobs you might like to do
    • Places you would like to work
    Ask family and friends if:   
    • They have any ideas about what kind of work you would be good at
    • They know of places that are hiring
    • They can refer you to people or places that could help you in your search
    • They can introduce you to anyone who works in the type of jobs you are interested in
  • Do your own research:You can always search on your own while you get help from an agency. You can do your own research by:
    • Walking around your neighbourhood and asking about job information, collecting application forms, asking if anyone is hiring, or writing down information on places that look interesting
    • Looking at the "Help Wanted" section of your newspaper
    • Putting your resume on websites that recruit people for different agencies
    • Going on informational interviews

Strategy #3: Take Control of Your Job Search

Taking control of the job search means understanding that your success in finding a job is up to you! Avoid sitting back and waiting for someone else to do the work for you! Do your homework and you can find out more about the newest opportunities that are available. Even though other people can help you in reaching your goals, remember that ultimately they are your goals alone!

Here are four steps to take during the job search with an emphasis on making sure the plan is yours.

Step One:

Write a personal vision statement:This will help you determine what type of job you want, your goals, and the steps you need to take to get your dream job.
Answer the following questions and write a personal vision statement!
  • What are my interests?
  • What are my strengths?
  • What skills would I like to use at my job?
  • Where would I like to be working in one year?
  • What do I dream of being in the future?
  • What type of office would I like to work in? (e.g., fast/slow paced, large/small)
  • What other things about a job do I need to make me happy? (e.g., opportunity for advancement, medical benefits, access to public transportation)

Step Two:

Develop a plan for achieving your goals:Make decisions and choices about what you will need to find your job. Ask yourself:
  • What areas do I need training in?
  • What do I need help with?

Step Three:

Ask for input and support from others:You can get support from people in your life or you can work with a professional such as a vocational rehabilitation counsellor or a career counsellor. Divide out tasks to those who are involved in helping you.

Step Four:

Control and direct the services you receive:You should decide what type of services you need. You should also decide where you want to receive services from. Tell your counsellor what is important to you, but listen as the counsellor gives you support, advice, or recommendations. Be open to listening to suggestions, but you should also make all choices and decisions
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